Products Require Proofing- see instructions below.
Step One
On the night before you wish to eat your pastries or croissants please remove them from the freezer as late as possible and place onto a lightly oiled deep sided baking tray. They should be spaced far enough apart to allow them to roughly triple in size after baking. Wrap the tray in Glad wrap and try to ensure the glad wrap does not touch the top of the pastries. Place this tray in a nice cool spot in the house ideally between 23-25oC until the following morning.
Step Two
Preheat your oven to its maximum temperature which is normally around 250oC. Whilst your oven is heating up remove the glad wrap from the trays and brush the pastries with a generous coating of egg wash that contains a tiny pinch of salt. (Optional)
Step Three
Place the tray into the oven and immediately reduce the temperature to 190oC. Set the timer for 15 minutes which is the usual baking time but please be mindful that most ovens vary from one another and the baking times can vary +or- a couple of minutes.
Step Four
After a couple of minutes out of the oven remove the baked pastries from the tray and place them onto a wire cooling rack.
Step Five
Enjoy your home baked pastries at you leisure and be sure to tell all of your friends and family about Margaret River Croissants.